A1VBCode Forums

Winsock concepts


By kazamamakoto - 6/30/2008

Hi all, havent been here in a while LOL. Anyways like the subject description says, I'm new to Winsock (I made a move from DirectPlay7) and have just had a quick look at a few tutorials around. I noticed that Winsock 6 allows specifically client-server networking, but since I'm also new to network programming aswell, I have a lot to learn here.

Firstly, would I be correct in stating that the server must be running for clients to successfully connect? Anything otherwise would result in an error?

Next, I noticed that the clients must connect to a Remote Host IP and a Remote Host Port. I understand what an IP is (like the rest of mankind) but I'm somewhat confused about this "Port" idea. What is meant by this, and how can a Port be identified?

Lastly, can a client and a server be running on the same computer?

Thanks in advance for any replies, and its good to see a few old user names are still kicking lol