A1VBCode Forums

Copy value From table to onther table in same Database in VS2010


By AbdelazizOmar - 2/24/2016

Hey Guys i need to copy value from table to onther table in same data base

like.. My program is to Add Silk Or Money into database by the user write the username into textbox1 and the amount of silk or money into textbox2 and the record need a value from onther database i need to find that value from Username..

need JID

i need to Get JID From StrUSerID Then Put the the JID Into onther table by write the StrUserID into textbox1 and amount silk or money into textbox2

then put it here

but i got dat error

Insert into data code:

Query = "insert into SK_Silk (JID,silk_own) Values ('" & TextBox1.Text & "' , '" & TextBox2.Text & "') Select JID From TB_User where JID='" & TextBox1.Text & "'"

full code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class addsilk

Public mysqlconn As SqlConnection

Public command As SqlCommand

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

mysqlconn = New SqlConnection

mysqlconn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + Form2.txtServerName.Text + ";initial catalog=" + Form2.txtdatabasename.Text + ";user id=" + Form2.textusername.Text + ";password=" + Form2.txtpassword.Text

Dim reader As SqlDataReader



Dim Query As String

Query = "insert into SK_Silk (JID,silk_own) Values ('" & TextBox1.Text & "' , '" & TextBox2.Text & "') Select JID From TB_User where JID='" & TextBox1.Text & "'"

command = New SqlCommand(Query, mysqlconn)

reader = command.ExecuteReader

' NotifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(1000, "Information", "Has Been added Silk To" & TextBox2.Text, ToolTipIcon.Info)

NotifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(1000, "Information", " Has Been Add " & TextBox2.Text & " Silk To " & TextBox1.Text, ToolTipIcon.Info)

'MessageBox.Show(" Has Been Added " & TextBox2.Text & " Silk To Username " & TextBox1.Text)


Catch ex As Exception


End Try

End Sub

By zack - 2/24/2016

I think you are getting this error because you are trying to write an character string into an Integer field in your database.

Query = "insert into SK_Silk (JID,silk_own) Values ('" & TextBox1.Text & "' , '" & TextBox2.Text & "') Select JID From TB_User where JID='" & TextBox1.Text & "'"

JID is of type Integer, and the value in TextBox1.Text is a character string. For this reason you are getting a type mismatch.