A1VBCode Forums

Need to help to get VB.net code to connect a computer over LAN network


By ramprasad.anumandla - 1/20/2014

Hi Team,

I have developed a rating project using VB.net and MS Access.

My database have no password and it is saved in on the LAN remote computer with username and password protected.

I have tried giving username and password of the shared desktop in the connection string , but it doesn't worked.

let say the shared computer username is "admin", and password is "welcome"

Public con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\\ABC\CDE\XYZ_Database.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;")

All the users have to poll there result and cannot shared the remote computer username and password to all.

Need help to get me a VB.net code.
By Destroyer - 1/23/2014

You cannot set the remote computer's username and password in the database connection string. This is for the database itself and not for the remote computer.

Save yourself alot of headaches and use SQL Server instead for your remote database.

Have a look at this, http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/c866d0d9-9361-4aca-9131-b8c233057f12/how-to-connect-remote-access-database-from-vbnet?forum=Vsexpressvb