A1VBCode Forums

Timer Control


By Benniit - 6/28/2013

The code below loops through all the records and checks if Allocation_Due_Date is equal to the current date. If a match is found, the tooltip displays it on a button on the form. My problem is a time will come and the records will be many which will cause the machine to hang. So if someone can help me place the below code in a thread to free the machine from hanging. Thank you

' The sub procedure 'AllocationExpiryDate' is called to the Tick event of the timer control.

Public Sub AllocationExpiryDate()

Dim SQLCon As New SqlConnection : Dim dtTable As New DataSet

strUsername = GetSetting("Allocation", "Connection", "DataL1")

strPassword = GetSetting("Allocation", "Connection", "DataL2")

strServerName = GetSetting("Allocation", "Connection", "DataL3")

strInitialCatalog = GetSetting("Allocation", "Connection", "DataL4")

DataL1 = strUsername & strPassword & strServerName & strInitialCatalog

SQLCon.ConnectionString = DataL1



Dim Query As String = "Select * from Alloc order by Allocation_Due_Date asc"

daAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(Query, SQLCon)

daAdapter.Fill(dtTable, "Alloc")

Dim table As DataTable = dtTable.Tables("Alloc")

If table.Rows.Count > 0 Then

Dim ctr As Integer

For ctr = 0 To table.Rows.Count - 1

Dim dtAllocExpDate = FormatDateTime(table.Rows(ctr).Item("Allocation_Due_Date").ToString.Trim, DateFormat.ShortDate)

If dtAllocExpDate = Now Then Then

frmMainForm.ToolTip1.Show("Allocation note is due for revision. Refer to the allocation list", frmMainForm.btnExpiry)

End If


End If

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

End Sub
By Mod - 6/28/2013

I hope this is of help,
