A1VBCode Forums

Make a programme to generate code


By vdroy97 - 12/24/2012

Dear Friends,

i am new in vb.net, still i am learning .net, here i attach a simple code written by me, from so many references.

basically this programme generate code from particular string i already set my particular string, you can try other string also my stirng is "RGZCCW3P2EJBC3G352ZB", i request all senior programmer of .net kindly solve my issue and complete this programme. i try many times from other reference but not success. so make this programme full and kindly post here as a reply. thats i learn further.


my problem can't find result, it alwasy show null, surely i mistake some where which i can't trace, so i request you complete this and post full code here.

Private Function bincode(ByVal st As String) As String

Dim result As String


Dim str As String = ""

Select Case st

Case "2"

str = "00000"

Case "3"

str = "00001"

Case "4"

str = "00010"

Case "5"

str = "00011"

Case "6"

str = "00100"

Case "7"

str = "00101"

Case "8"

str = "00110"

Case "9"

str = "00111"

Case "A"

str = "01000"

Case "B"

str = "01001"

Case "C"

str = "01010"

Case "D"

str = "01011"

Case "E"

str = "01100"

Case "F"

str = "01101"

Case "G"

str = "01110"

Case "H"

str = "01111"

Case "J"

str = "10000"

Case "K"

str = "10001"

Case "L"

str = "10010"

Case "M"

str = "10011"

Case "N"

str = "10100"

Case "P"

str = "10101"

Case "Q"

str = "10110"

Case "R"

str = "10111"

Case "S"

str = "11000"

Case "T"

str = "11001"

Case "U"

str = "11010"

Case "V"

str = "11011"

Case "W"

str = "11100"

Case "X"

str = "11101"

Case "Y"

str = "11110"

Case "Z"

str = "11111"

End Select

result = str

Catch exception As Exception

result = ""

End Try

Return result

End Function

Private Function toobinary(ByVal st As String) As String

Dim result As String


Dim str As String = ""

While st.Length <> 0

Dim str2 As String = st(0).ToString()

str += bincode(str2)

st = st.Substring(1)

End While

result = str

Catch exception As Exception

result = ""

End Try

Return result

End Function

Public Function DecryptString(ByVal [me] As ULong) As ULong

Dim result As ULong


Dim num As ULong = [me] Mod 10UL

[me] /= 10UL

Dim num2 As ULong = 0UL

While [me] <> 0UL

Dim num3 As ULong = [me] Mod 10UL

If num3 < num Then

num3 += 10UL

End If

Dim num4 As ULong = num3 - num

num2 = num2 * 10UL + num4

[me] /= 10UL

End While

result = num2

Catch exception As Exception

result = 0UL

End Try

Return result

End Function

Public Function toodec(ByVal st As String) As ULong

Dim result As ULong


Dim str As String = toobinary(st)

Dim num As ULong = 0UL

Dim i As Integer = 0

While str.Length <> 0

Dim num2 As ULong = Convert.ToUInt64(str(str.Length - 1)) - 48UL

num += num2 * CULng(Math.Pow(2.0, CDec(i)))

str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1)

i += 1

End While

result = num

Catch exception As Exception

result = 0UL

End Try

Return result

End Function

Public Function [date](ByVal st As String) As Integer

Dim result


Dim num As ULong = toodec(st)

num = DecryptString(num)

Dim hashCode As Integer = "RGZCCW3P2EJBC3G352ZB".GetHashCode

If hashCode < 0 Then

hashCode *= -1

End If

Dim i2 As Int64 = 103287435787683895

Dim l As Long = CLng(hashCode)

l = l * 100000000L

Dim ul As ULong = CULng(l)

ul = ul - num

Dim I As Integer = CInt(ul)

result = I

'result = CInt((num - CULng((CLng(hashCode) * 100000000L))))

Catch exception As Exception

result = 0

End Try

Return result

End Function