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Login Form in C# using Sql Server.


By Zain -Ul- Arifeen - 9/30/2012

1- private bool CompareStrings(string string1, string string2)

2- {

3-return String.Compare(string1, string2, true, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) 4- == 0 ? true : false;

5- }

6- private void btnlogin_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)

7- {

8- if (txtusername.Text == "" || txtpassword.Text == "")

9- {

10- MessageBox.Show("Please Fill All The Details", "Zain -Ul- Arifeen");

11- txtusername.Focus();

12- }

13- else

14- {

15- cnn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=zain\\SqlExpress;Initial Catalog=Studentinformationsystem;Integrated Security=true";

17- cnn.Open();

18- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT username,password FROM login WHERE 19- 19- username='" + txtusername.Text + "' and password='" + txtpassword.Text + "'", cnn);

20- SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

21- string userText = txtusername.Text;

22- string passText = txtpassword.Text;

23- while (dr.Read())

24- {

25- if

26- (this.CompareStrings(dr["username"].ToString(), txtusername.Text) &&

27- this.CompareStrings(dr["password"].ToString(), txtpassword .Text ))

28- {

29- frm.Show();

30- this.Hide();

31- }

32- else

33- {

34- MessageBox.Show("Invalid User or wrong Password", "Zain -Ul- Arifeen");

35- }

36- }

37- dr.Close();

38- cnn.Close();