A1VBCode Forums

Three Level hierarchy using MSDATASHAPE [Resolved]


By chaw12 - 5/15/2011


i have this code:

Set rs = conn.Execute("SHAPE{SELECT * from tblemployee} " & _
"APPEND((SHAPE {select * from tblcharge} " & _
"APPEND({select * from tblpayment} AS charge " & _
"RELATE eeid TO eeid)) AS payment " & _
"RELATE eeid TO eeid)")

i have my report working when i used the simple relation hierarchy of it but with the above code, i just can't get it working it give me an error like "Data Field 'charge.slo' not found". 'slo' is found on tblcharge.field

please help....

Edit: Keith [Resolved] and Bold corrected.

Aren't you going to tell use how?

By chaw12 - 5/24/2011

this one is solved. i already got it...