A1VBCode Forums

Create Dynamic Hyperlink to GridView VB \ ASP.NET


By remya1000 - 12/6/2010

i'm using   VB \ ASP.NET.

i'm trying to display some values in Gridview. but i don't know how many columns i need to display. at run time only i will come to know how many columns i need to display. it depends up on the values from Database. so i'm creating columns dynamically and adding to gridview. till that it works fine. but i want some columns value to be hyperlink. so i need to create some columns hyperlink dynamically.

Database table looks like this

1------------John----------------12/1/2010---------- Work 
2------------Peter---------------12/2/2010---------- Out
3------------John----------------12/3/2010---------- Off

depends upon the "Distinct Date", the number of columns in gridview is created dynamically.

Gridview looks like this

1----------John-----------Work--------------ADD NEW----------Off
2----------Peter----------ADD NEW---------Out-----------------ADD NEW

for all the date columns i want to create dynamic hyperlink.

for example : if i need to make any chnage for 12/1/2010 john, i can click hyperlink "Work" and update the information. and if i need to add some description for 12/2/2010 John, i can click hyperlink "Add New" and add description for that date.


Sub Display_Table
        Dim Table_MAINPAGE As DataTable
        Dim Row As DataRow
        Dim dcol As DataColumn
        Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
        Dim MySQL As String
        Dim myCommand As SqlCommand
        Dim myreader As SqlDataReader
        Dim pFirst As Boolean = True
        Dim Name_NotExist, Group_NotExist As Boolean

        Table_MAINPAGE = New DataTable()

        dcol = New DataColumn(" # ")

        dcol = New DataColumn("Name")

        myConnection = New SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("cvConnectionString").ToString)
        MySQL = "select DISTINCT ondate from sList ORDER BY ondate"
        myCommand = New SqlCommand(MySQL, myConnection)
        myreader = myCommand.ExecuteReader
        While myreader.Read
            'Get distinct Date from database
            dcol = New DataColumn(Trim(myreader(0)))
        End While

        pFirst = True
        MySQL = "Select fname, lname from Users ORDER BY fname"
        myCommand = New SqlCommand(MySQL, myConnection)
        myreader = myCommand.ExecuteReader
        While myreader.Read
            If pFirst = True Then
                pFirst = False
                'Get distinct Name from database
                aryName.Add(myreader(0) & " " & myreader(1))
                GoTo NextValue
            End If

            Name_NotExist = False
            Group_NotExist = False
            For q As Integer = 0 To aryName.Count - 1
                If myreader(0) & " " & myreader(1) <> aryName.Item(q) Then
                    Name_NotExist = True
                    Name_NotExist = False
                    GoTo NextValue
                End If
            If Name_NotExist = True Then
                aryName.Add(myreader(0) & " " & myreader(1))
            End If
        End While

        Dim h As Integer = 0
        Dim gBool As Boolean = False
        'Now add data for dynamic columns
        'As first column is increment, as number of data in database
        'Let's add some data to the other columns
        For k As Integer = 0 To aryName.Count - 1
            MySQL = "select ondate, description from sList where [name] = '" & Trim(aryName.Item(k).ToString) & "' order by ondate"
            myCommand = New SqlCommand(MySQL, myConnection)
            myreader = myCommand.ExecuteReader
            'Create a new row
            Row = Table_MAINPAGE.NewRow()
            h = h + 1
            Row(" # ") = h
            Row("Name") = aryName.Item(k).ToString
            While myreader.Read
                aryDate_Desc.Add(myreader(0) & " - " & myreader(1))
            End While
            For i As Integer = 0 To aryDate.Count - 1
                gBool = False
                For j As Integer = 0 To aryDate_Desc.Count - 1
                    If Trim(aryDate.Item(i)) = Trim(aryDate_Desc.Item(j).Split("-")(0)) Then
                        'Initialize the row data.
                        Row(Trim(aryDate.Item(i))) = Trim(aryDate_Desc.Item(j).Split("-")(1))
                        gBool = True
                        GoTo NextArrayValue
                    End If
                If gBool <> True Then
                    Row(Trim(aryDate.Item(i))) = "Add New"
                End If
            'Add the row to the datatable.
        'Initialize the DataSource
        GridView1.DataSource = Table_MAINPAGE

        For i As Integer = 0 To GridView1.Columns.Count - 1
            GridView1.Columns(i).ItemStyle.Width = 500

        'Bind the datatable with the GridView

End Sub

How can i create dynamic hyperlinks for the date columns.....

if you have any idea, how to do this, please help me. if you can some example, that's will be great.

Thanks in advance.  

By remya1000 - 1/4/2011

adding code here. so later if someone have this problem, they can check this.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Dim h As Integer = 0
        Dim gBool As Boolean = False
        'Now add data for dynamic columns
        For k As Integer = 0 To aryName.Count - 1
            If Trim(aryName.Item(k).split("-")(1)) = Trim(aryGroup.Item(p)) Then
 'for each name, need to get date, description, color and recno
                MySQL = "select ondate, description, color, recno from sList where [name] = '" & Trim(aryName.Item(k).ToString) & "' order by ondate"
                myCommand = New SqlCommand(MySQL, myConnection)
                myreader = myCommand.ExecuteReader
                'Create a new row
                Row = Table_MAINPAGE.NewRow()
 h = h + 1
 'adding values to "#" row.
                Row(" # ") = h
 'adding values to "Name" row.
                Row("Name") = aryName.Item(k).ToString
                While myreader.Read
                    aryDate_Desc.Add(myreader(0) & " - " & myreader(1))
                    'adding date, description, index, name to an array. so while creating hyperlink, we can pass the index values  
                    aryHyperLinkIndex.Add(myreader(0) & " - " & myreader(1) & " - " & myreader(3) & " - " & Trim(aryName.Item(k).ToString))
                End While
 For i As Integer = 0 To aryDate.Count - 1
                    gBool = False
                    For j As Integer = 0 To aryDate_Desc.Count - 1
                        If Trim(aryDate.Item(i)) = Trim(aryDate_Desc.Item(j).Split("-")(0)) Then
                            'adding value to "Date" row.
                            Row(Trim(aryDate.Item(i))) = Trim(aryDate_Desc.Item(j).Split("-")(1))
                            gBool = True
                            GoTo NextArrayValue
                        End If
                    If gBool <> True Then
                        'adding value as "Add New" to "Date" row, if no value is set.
                        Row(Trim(aryDate.Item(i))) = "Add New"
         'adding date, description, index, name to an array. so while creating hyperlink, we can pass the index values
         aryHyperLinkIndex.Add(Trim(aryDate.Item(i)) & " - " & "Add New" & " - " & "0" & " - " & Trim(aryName.Item(k).split("-")(0)).ToString)
                    End If

                'Add the row to the datatable.
            End If
            'for new group, we need to create empty row (empty row will seperate each group)
            'Create a new row
            Row = Table_MAINPAGE.NewRow()
            Row(" # ") = ""
            Row("Name") = ""
            For i As Integer = 0 To aryDate.Count - 1
                'Initialize the row data.
                Row(Trim(aryDate.Item(i))) = ""
            'Add the row to the datatable.

        'Initialize the DataSource
        GridView1.DataSource = Table_MAINPAGE

        For i As Integer = 0 To GridView1.Columns.Count - 1
            GridView1.Columns(i).ItemStyle.Width = 500

        'Bind the datatable with the GridView

    End Sub

Protected Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDataBound
  If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then

             'gets first date cell's header 
            Dim Header_Date1 As DataControlFieldHeaderCell = CType(Me.GridView1.HeaderRow.Cells(2), DataControlFieldHeaderCell)
                For k As Integer = 0 To aryHyperLinkIndex.Count - 1
                     'checks if first date cell's header and AryHyperLinkIndex date are equal
                    If Trim(Header_Date1.Text) = Trim(aryHyperLinkIndex.Item(k).split("-")(0)) Then
                        'if Current cell2  (first Date) text is equal to aryHyperLinkIndex description  
                        If Trim(e.Row.Cells(2).Text) = Trim(aryHyperLinkIndex.Item(k).Split("-")(1)) Then
                            'if current cell1 (Name) text is equal to aryHyperLinkIndex name
                            If Trim(e.Row.Cells(1).Text) = Trim(aryHyperLinkIndex.Item(k).split("-")(3)) Then
                                e.Row.Cells(2).Text = e.Row.Cells(2).Text
                                'if current cell2 (first date) text is equal to "Add New", then create Hyperlink
                                If Trim(e.Row.Cells(2).Text) = "Add New" Then
                                    Dim link As HyperLink = New HyperLink()
                                    link.Text = e.Row.Cells(2).Text
                                    'Passing the date and name
                                    link.NavigateUrl = "AddValues.aspx?DateValue=" & Trim(Header_Date1.Text) & "&NameValue=" & Trim(aryHyperLinkIndex.Item(k).split("-")(3))
                                    GoTo SecondCell
                                    Dim link As HyperLink = New HyperLink()
                                    link.Text = e.Row.Cells(2).Text
                                    'Passing index
                                    link.NavigateUrl = "ViewUpdates.aspx?ViewUpdateValue=" & Trim(aryHyperLinkIndex.Item(k).Split("-")(2))
                                    GoTo SecondCell
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If

        End If
    End Sub