A1VBCode Forums

Testing for blank and/or empty rows or columns


By devophil - 12/26/2009

I wish to loop through each row of a set area of a worksheet and delete only those rows which have nothing stored, regardless of whether they have never been used, or, if they once had contents in a cell/s that have since been cleared.  If any cell in the row has had its formatting altered or anything, I still wish it to be considered empty; as long as there is no formula or entry in a cell, I want it detected to be deleted.

1.  My text has the line

If IsEmpty(Range("A1")) then ....

which will test only if a particular cell is empty.

If I try

If IsEmpty(rows(1)) then

there is no compile error, but, if row 1 (1) has nothing in any cell, it still won't match if I have nothing in row 1 of the worksheet.

2.  What is the difference between somthing being empty or something being null?  I have tried other codes with null to try to detect empty lines, but they've caused run errors or again logical ones.

Many thanks to anyone who can assist :-)