A1VBCode Forums

[C++]The Donut


By Anasazi - 8/3/2009

Hi all, don't know if you remember or followed a topic called:

"I am looking to hire a programmer to create the following code in c#."

I took it on although the output wasn't great, here's an updated version WITH source in C++, the project's created using a free compiler named DEV C++ -> http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html.

Screenshots of the actual program;

Basically what it does is that it creates a new donut-shaped form around the cursor with the purpose to help people with some sort of eye distortion. There's alot to be done for further releases, such as the use of settings in order to change the opacity manually etc...

The program pausesby hitting PAUSE-key, resume by press again.

Regards, Anasazi.