A1VBCode Forums

Attachmate WRQ Reflection Programming


By DavidJ_John - 6/8/2009


I am working on WRQ reflection (For Unix and OpenVMS).

I am trying to copy a particular text content from a screen and write it into a word document.

Following is the code which is able to copy the entire contents into a word document.

Sub SendDisplayInfoToWord()
Dim displayText As String
With Session
'Get text from the screen display
'For Reflection for HP, UNIX and OpenVMS, RegGis Graphics:
displayText = .GetText(.ScreenTopRow, 0, _
.ScreenTopRow + .DisplayColumns, .DisplayColumns)

'For Reflection for IBM:
'displayText = .GetDisplayText(1, 1, _
'.DisplayColumns * .DisplayRows)
End With
'Create a Word object
Dim Word as Word.Application
Set Word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'Make Word visible and create a new document
Word.Visible = True
'Add the display text to the document
Word.Selection.TypeText Text:=displayText
'Save the document and quit Word
Word.ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:="C:\MySample.doc"
End Sub

How do I use it to get a particular content say only from a row Eg. contents from the 3rd row (3,1) to (3,10)?

Please help.




By DavidJ_John - 6/26/2009

Hi Brian / Peter,

Please can you help me with this?

