A1VBCode Forums

Need a control that can display HTML formatted chat text.


By s.p.i.d.e.r.m.a.n - 6/29/2007

Hi! everybuddy

I am writing a chat program in VB6.0 to integrate it with my database application (which is a desktop application in VB6.0)  so that clients can communicate with me for help from within my application.

I want to display the chat text in html formatted way just like yahoo, yazak or msn does.

I tried peeping into yazak messenger window using Spy++ and found the class of the control used for displaying chat text to be "Internet Explorer_Server".

I tried adding webbrowser control and HTML Object Liabray's Scriplet control to my project but cudn't find a way to add text to these controls. Finally I tried the DHTML Safe and DHTML Edit controls and that worked exactly as i wanted (ie; i cud add html text to these controls at run time and also display animated gifs) but i couldn't lock these controls. Also these both controls don't have any properties like ENABLED or LOCKED
resulting the contents of these control to be altered by users.

I want to make sure that "Am i using the right control to solve my purpose?"
or is there any other control available specially to meet this scenario?

Please help...