A1VBCode Forums

Further classification


By vshankaa - 5/16/2006

As General Visual Basic section has so many topics, the topics should be divided into further categories.

Categories like Graphics, File Manipulation, String Manipulation, Memory, Forms and different categories for all the basic controls should be introdued. By doing this, it will be easier to search for posts and even post a post.

When a new user/visitor vists the site it would be easier for him/her to browse through the categories and get what he/she wants.  It will also be helpful to post-ers. If a post-er is specialised in some part (say Timer) of VB then he can go to Timer control category and will be able to answer the questions. As there are many unanswered topics in this forum, dividing them would help.

When a user posts a new topic he should not be forced to choose a category. Forum Admins and Gods should be allowed to categorise a topic.

By Mobius - 5/25/2006

Sure, in general it has, but I wish the same could be said for the past week. I haven't seen any posts other than the stupid key generator thread. It's getting boring. Wink

EDIT: Sorry, a couple more posts came in. I jumped the gun. But it was just that thread for a week, so I wasn't entirely wrong. BigGrin