A1VBCode Forums

Looking for a very powerfull Charting Tool solution


By Alexa - 12/15/2005

After trying several COM components to plot our data we are about tho give up. Now we are looking for a very reliable and poweful COM Charting tool component to render our Intranet Charts. I have read a lot about ChartFX Internet 6.2 and I think so far this is the best chart we have ever tried. But I wonder whether I could have your feedback Kiss

By pipodyer - 12/21/2005

I just found this post and I just wanted to share my experience with ChartFX. My company have been using ChartFX for over 5 years now. We started with the Internet version for COM and now we upgraded it to the new ChartFX .NET for VS2005. We have even bough couple of their extensions to make our work easier, in case you may need some reference, they are ChartFX Financial Extension (http://www.softwarefx.com/Extensions/Financial/) and ChartFX OLAP Extension (http://www.softwarefx.com/extensions/olap/) which by the way has been the first Charting Tool product for the On Line Analytical Processing market, really easy to use and very reliable... Anyway there were my 5 cents :-)