A1VBCode Forums

using regsvr32


By Hal - 8/21/2005


This is a real newbie ques. I was told that to activate my olch2x7.ocx I need to run regsvr32. Well, how do I run it? If I click on it it asks how do I want to open it from a list or web. That doesn't tell me much.

thanks for any help!


By Spsp1981 - 11/7/2005

You can also copy the following lines in a plain text file with .reg extension. This will add the commands "Register" & "Unregister" to the file context menu.













@="c:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe \"%1\""




@="c:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe -u \"%1\""





@="c:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe \"%1\""




@="c:\\windows\\system\\regsvr32.exe -u \"%1\""
