A1VBCode Forums

How to create a job in task scheduler with specific interval (repeat time)?


By M.L.Srinivas - 6/22/2005


How to create a job in task scheduler with specific interval (repeat time)?

Upon visiting numerous sites I could manage to create a task for required time.
But to set the interval of repeat?

My script goes like this:
Const MON = 1
Const TUE = 2
Const WED = 4
Const THU = 8
Const FRI = 16
Const SAT = 32
Const SUN = 64

strComputer = "."
strCommand = "c:\TestLog.exe"
strstartTime = "********233000.000000-000"
boolRepeat = True
intWeekDay = MON Or TUE Or WED Or THU Or FRI Or SAT Or SUN
intMonthDay = ""
boolInteract = True

Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "")
Set objNewTask = objWMI.Get("Win32_ScheduledJob")
intRC = objNewTask.Create(strCommand, _
                          strstartTime, _
                          boolRepeat, _
                          intWeekDay, _
                          intMonthDay, _
                          boolInteract, _

Now I want this task to execute every 30 minutes upto 11 PM.

How to do it?

Please help. Any sort of help is appreciated.
