A1VBCode Forums

Old Forum


By Booooze - 6/28/2004

allrighty, ill go take a look.
By istill316 - 6/28/2004

Yay! Some new people have found the forum!
By James - 6/28/2004

I don't think anyone who hasn't been here before will find the old forum as they wont know to put 2 at the end of the link. And all the links on the A1VBCode home link to the new one. People should be aware of the old one as there is some very useful information in it. I only hope they keep it indefinately as it has proven to be a very valuable resource for me and I'm sure others. I know I'm going to link to it in my Sig.


EDIT: I just re-read brian's anouncement and he said they would be kept indefinately!!! Cool

By TrickyRic - 6/29/2004

google prefers pages that are updated regularly, now the old forums are recieving less posts than these, google should keep these on top.

just wondering though, would it be possible to lock the old forums, so no new threads can be made, but replies can? that should help a bit.
By istill316 - 6/28/2004

Somebody should put messages in the old forum to let people know that there's a new one.
By istill316 - 6/29/2004

Google will find the old forum and searches will list it before the new one because there's more information there.
By James - 6/29/2004

ahh good point. I never thought of that.
By James - 6/29/2004

I don't think they do the search results bring the old links which are no longer active. I just had a go and it said page not found.


By istill316 - 6/29/2004

As long as there a link from this forum to the old forum, Google can index it. People will start linking to the old one as well. Thus search results will turn up info on the other forum and people will go there without knowing about this one.
By Mod - 6/29/2004


The main url to the old forum now points to the new forum. The old forum was moved to a new folder/url. So yes, any old links to the old forum will bring up a 404 page.


By istill316 - 6/29/2004

So wait... is the old forum gone?
By James - 6/29/2004

No the old forum is still online click the link in my sig. All the old links are invalid because like peter said the old forum has moved folders.


By istill316 - 6/29/2004

I see what I did. I went to vbforums2, not forums2. My point still stands though: as long as there are links to the old forum, and the more there are, the more easily Google will index it and people will find it directly.
By istill316 - 6/29/2004

True, but there's still a vast amount of content on the other forums that is not on the new ones. If a search is made for anything not on the new forums, only the old one will come up, so the searcher would be directed only to the old forum. There probably is a way to disable new threads or something.
By mark_skaines - 6/29/2004

maybe URL redirrection. this will redirect all trafic from the old forum to the new forum.

go to www.cjb.net for URL redirection, the only problem would be though is that anyone being redirected will have .cjb.net at the end not .com
By TrickyRic - 6/29/2004

i know nothing about asp, but i'm sure if redirection is used theres a simply way of doing it without using cjb.net . for example, in php its just...

header('Location: http://www.a1vbcode.com/vbforums');

hmm... seems the opening php tag is removed when the message gets posted. is this a bug or just a security thing?
By istill316 - 6/30/2004

yeah, somehow it should be redirected or made in such a way that you can only get to the old forum via the new.