A1VBCode Forums

DataGrid Problem


By Suhel - 4/20/2005

Hi everyone,

i m suhel doing my final semister project at PCS. i m right now working on C#. Quite interesting and challanging language. i found that there is not much discussion going on C#. No probs. I have one problem. I am using DataGrid, in which putting controls like TextBox, DropDown, Label, CheckBox. and putting value from database in some of them control and in some other controls accessing values from control and saving them in database. For example the value entered by user in textbox or selected index of dropdown , i m storing in database. Now the problem is i am not getting the value of CheckBox. it always shows false even if it is checked. i m using FindControl method to get control from datagrid. and it is always taking new Checkbox. so the default value is unchecked. If any one came through same problem and have a solution then plz reply.


By Suhel - 7/30/2007

sikunj (7/31/2007)
Please be very specific, rather than writing stories about you and your prob. I am advising coz you are a begineer.

It is irritating to read the whole narration.


Firstly Thank you very much for replying after 2 years. And also I am really greatful for you r advise....Smile Although you have not answered the question atleast you have given some advise. but sometimes if you don't know the answer that doesn't mean the question is wrong....Smile